coach development
what is coach development?
The Athans Performance Coach Development Training System provides coaches with a learning framework that addresses every aspect of coach education. The system is designed to arm coaches with tools and techniques to effectively navigate high-stakes and complex coaching environments. It will prepare coaches to create physically and psychologically safe learning environments that foster meaningful sport athletic experiences. Programs are offered through youth sports organizations, regional or national coaching organizations, and high school or university-level athletic departments.
Program details:
- Single session- Keynote, half or full-day training opportunities
- In-person or Virtual
- Interactive learning- classroom-style and experiential
- Peer Mentorship opportunities
Training System Breakdown
Coach As a Performer: Exploring the importance of managing yourself in high-stakes coaching situations.
- Stress management
- Focus
- Effective decision making
Coach as an Integrated leader: Exploring the importance of organizing your coaching around a set of deeply held principles that are congruent with your values and that you are proud to see reflected in your team.
- Explore personal values
- Set coaching goals
- Develop your unique coaching philosophy
Coach as a Manager: Exploring strategies to empower your staff, apply effective teaching strategies and promote community and growth for athletes and all team stakeholders.
- Drive an autonomy-supportive learning culture
- Empower entire staff and relevant stakeholders
- Responsible delegation and distribution of responsibilities
Coach as a Social Architect: Exploring evidence-based, practical strategies for how to develop a relentlessly cohesive unit
- Enhance coach-athlete and athlete-athlete relationships
- Balance success and meaning
- Relentless pursuit of cohesion and connection